DIP v1.15 - The Pest Control Update!

Update: We've spotted a leak and mice have flooded! Our pest control toons have caught them quickly. We have released an emergency update called DIP 1.15e, PLEASE UPDATE NOW. We're sorry for those troubles caused.

Ahem. Our studies show that Mickey's Face is one Pest. We are trying our best to get rid of them and that's where this new DIP version comes from.


Using our called pest control toons, we have wiped off a lot of disney character elements. No Mickey's Face should ever appear anymore!

Also, Some sounds have changed. You can now teleport FASTER than ever, making this one of the content packs to use fast teleporting!

This is the changelog:
New Teleport Sound - Now you can teleport faster than ever before!
New Cog HQ Battle Themes - Cause the Default Cog HQ Battle theme was not suitable.
New Rake and Aoogah Sounds!
Coach Z now gets angry when you use a Bike Horn or your Doodle.
Somehow, a Car Smashed Goofy's Face and sent him off to space. This means that the vehicle will now reserve it's Place.
Those pesky Mickey Heads are getting serious. We're wiping them off!
Where did Traveler Goofy and Mickey On a Horse go? To Disneyland! Looks like they're gone... (Note that your estates are not affected for now.)
We get it: The Smartphone was not as Toony as what we thought. We bought a new Options Icon; Tell us what you think! (If most of you think it's not good, we will revert the Default Options Remote back.)
Common Holiday screens can now change the Title Screen as well as Pick-A-Toon.
Chip and Dale are gone. Those Disney elements...
And More. Can you find them?

This Replaces DIP v1.14.1. Download is here.
